What is Cassava?

Also known as yuca, cassava is a delicious root vegetable that becomes the perfect alternative for wheat when dried and ground using Otto’s proprietary method. This multi-purpose flour is naturally grain- and gluten-free and perfect for Paleo lifestyles.

What are the ingredients?

Otto's Cassava Flour has only a single-ingredient inside: Cassava. It contains no gums, fillers, or nasty additives.

What does it taste like and how do I use it?

With the taste and texture of wheat, this easy-to-use flour subs 1:1 by weight in many of your favorite recipes. If your recipes call for cups instead, just reduce flour volume by 25%.
For example, if your recipe asks for 1 cup of All-Purpose Flour, just use 3/4 cup of Otto's Cassava Flour. You can keep everything else the same. It's that easy. This rule doesn't apply if there is yeast in the recipe, but we have several recipes already optimized for you in the Recipes section. Check out our collection for recipes like bread and pizza dough! 

What makes Otto’s Cassava Flour different? 

Other cassava flours begin with yuca that is dried and fermented in the sun. This fermentation process is very cost effective but adds a considerably sour flavor and smell to the flour. Moreover, sun drying is impossible to regulate and leads to varying levels of humidity, creating potential mold issues. The smell and taste of these sun-dried cassava flours is often described as "sour", "fermented", or "musty".  

On the other hand, Otto's cassava is thoroughly peeled, dried, and ground into a delicious flour that functions consistently (and easily) as a substitute for wheat flour in all your favorite recipes. Most importantly, Otto’s ensures that every batch is free of the top 8 allergens – dairy, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.

Is Otto’s Cassava Flour the same as tapioca flour/starch?

No – but this is a common misconception! Tapioca is the extracted starch of the cassava root. Otto’s Cassava Flour is a whole food, meaning it is the whole root; peeled, dried, and ground. Otto’s Cassava Flour and tapioca flour/starch have very different actions in both baking (and in your digestive system). It can help to think of it like the difference between cornstarch and corn flour. Although from the same source, they are not usually interchangeable. 

Is Otto’s Cassava Flour gluten-free?

Cassava is naturally gluten-free and is Gluten-Free Certified by GIG (The Gluten Intolerance Group) to have no cross contaminants. Plus, it’s naturally grain-free!

Is it Paleo Friendly?

Yes! Otto’s Cassava Flour is even Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) friendly and Certified Paleo by The Paleo Foundation. 

How should I use Otto’s Cassava Flour in a recipe?

Otto’s Cassava Flour works in the same proportions as wheat flour in most cases. We encourage you to try old favorites from your pre-grain-free/gluten-free days. If your recipe calls for grams, use Otto's in equal proportion. If your recipe calls for cups, just reduce volume by 25%. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 cup all-purpose flour, you'd want to use 3/4 cup of Otto's in most cases. 

The exception to this rule is yeast based recipes; the typical 1:1 substitution does not work here. We encourage you to use the pizza and bread recipes available on our website's recipes page and Instagram page. They have have been optimized using Otto's and are delicious!

We also have quite a few recipes waiting for you on our Pinterest boards if you're looking for inspiration!

What about baking sandwich bread with Otto’s Cassava Flour?

Otto’s Cassava Flour does not work in a 1:1 ratio for yeast-based breads like sandwich bread.  But don’t worry! Otto’s Cassava Flour teamed up with some of your favorite food bloggers to develop great recipes for these more finicky breads.
Check out our "Easy Peasy No-Yeast Sandwich Bread" it bakes up in a standard loaf pan and is a favorite of ours!

Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram so you never miss a recipe! 

Does Otto’s Cassava Flour have a funny ‘alternative’ taste or texture?

Your family and friends will likely never know the difference between Otto’s and all-purpose flour. Otto’s Cassava Flour has a very clean, neutral flavor you’ll never have to disguise. Be prepared for a lot of “Wait, this is grain-free?!?”

Our method of peeling, drying, and grinding creates a gorgeous texture just like that of wheat flour, before and after baking. 

Cassava flour is often known for being "gritty" in every bite. Is Otto's? 

Most cassava flours use very large, fibrous, mature yuca root. This makes a lot of sense when quantity over quality is of prime concern - the high fiber content is what causes "grittiness." Alternatively, Otto's uses young, tender yuca root, which produces a significantly smoother flour texture. While very occasionally you may experience a tiny granule of cassava fiber, it is noticeably less than traditionally milled cassava flours, and most people don't notice it at all. 

I heard there is cyanide in cassava. Is that true?!?

Yes, there is naturally occurring cyanide in cassava root (and apples!) It is mostly concentrated in the peel, which we thoroughly remove; the rest is taken care of by heat when we cook it. We lab test Otto's to ensure that you are totally and completely safe.

Happy Baking!